Flight of the Paperwing
Flight of the PaperWing was my first completed game. I wrote it in Game Maker Language, a C-like language designed for the Game Maker engine. I wanted to make something a little bit different from a regular infinite runner, but also wanted to make sure that I could actually finish the project.
The player moves using the phone's accelerometer. I wrote custom easing functions to get the dive and swoop that I wanted; for example, the dive is a very steep-sloped variation of an ease-in function.
Obstacles are procedurally generated, and difficulty is controlled along a sinewave that increases in slope and amplitude over time, giving the player a rhythm and a pleasing series of difficulty versus breathing room.
I designed and created all of the assets, mechanics and code for this project.
Ultimately, the non-standard movement controls are a bit of a gimmick, but they did achieve the feeling of piloting a paper plane.
Flight of the Paperwing is avaiable for download on the Google Play Store.
Flight of the Paperwing features:
- Procedural generation
- Bespoke easing functions
- Original art and music as well as code
- Persistent data such as high score
And was built with:
- GameMaker
- Aseprite
- Ableton Live